5 Tips to Lower Blood Sugar Levels Naturally in Diabetes

lower blood sugar levels
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

High blood sugar occurs when your body doesn’t make enough insulin to regulate glucose in your bloodstream. This high blood sugar-also called hyperglycemia – is mainly associated with diabetes. In this article, I have discussed 5 easy tips to lower blood sugar levels naturally in diabetes.

Here are 5 easy tips to lower your blood sugar levels naturally in diabetes:

1.. Eat foods having a low glycemic index

The glycemic index is a value assigned to each food based on how slowly or how quickly it absorbs or digests in your body, affecting the rate at which your blood sugar levels may increase. High glycemic index foods release glucose faster that may lead to spikes in blood sugar levels.

[bctt tweet=”Always try to include those foods in your daily diet that have a low glycemic index” via=”no”]

The slow and steady release of glucose in low glycemic foods is important as it helps maintain good glucose control in your body.

The type of carbohydrates, as well as their eating amount, determine how a food affects your blood sugar levels because consumption of carbohydrates is also important in managing your diabetes.

Glycemic Index values are categorized into three groups:

  • Low Glycemic Index: 1 – 55
  • Medium Glycemic Index: 56 – 59
  • High Glycemic Index: 70 and above

Eat foods with a low to medium glycemic index and monitor your overall carbohydrate intake.

You may include the below foods in your daily diet that have low to medium glycemic index:

  • barley
  • oats
  • lentils
  • beans
  • peas
  • carrots
  • legumes
  • non-starchy vegetables, and
  • most of the fruits

2.. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated

Drinking abundant water, probably eight glasses of water a day, may help you keep your blood sugar levels within your healthy limits. Drinking water helps in maintaining the balance of your body fluids. It not only prevents you from dehydration but also supports your kidneys to flush out excess sugar through urine.

Make a habit of drinking water at regular intervals because it helps in blood rehydration and lowering your blood sugar levels.

3.. Manage your stress

If you are under a lot of stress, your body produces hormones like cortisol, which not only increases glucose but also reduces insulin effectiveness. Due to this stress, more glucose stays in your bloodstream causing blood sugar spikes.

manage stress
Photo by Alex Green from Pexels

Try to handle your stress either by doing yoga or meditation or whatever that can help you to distract yourself for a few minutes and lower your breathing rate.

Take advantage of your family member, friend, or another source with whom you can share your feelings, who will listen to you and advise you. It can make a big difference in managing your stress.

4.. Get enough good sleep

Getting enough good sleep is necessary and it is an important part of your daily good health. When you don’t rest enough, hormone levels in your body make it tough to control your blood sugar. The kidneys overcompensate and make you urinate more often. During the night, these frequent trips to the bathroom lead to sleep disruption. Try to make a habit of having 7 – 8 hours of good sleep each night so when you wake up the next morning, you feel less stressed.

5.. Monitor your blood sugar levels

Monitoring your blood sugar levels can also help you in managing your glucose levels. Make a habit of measuring your levels and maintaining a log at least once a week. It will help you find out how your body reacts to certain foods so that you can adjust your foods and medicines accordingly.

In the end, I always advise talking to your general physician if you are taking any medicine for your blood sugar management. He’s the right person who can help and guide you on what further actions to be taken in managing your blood sugar levels.

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